Mobile Gaming



Adding a game to your mobile app can be a fruitful strategy to increase user engagement. At Rovertown, we customize our in-app racing game to fit your brand and marketing goals.


With so many mobile apps jockeying for popularity, keeping your convenience store business on a customer’s home screen is a mounting challenge. While building on our platform, our retailers often ask us what features they can add to increase [definition of stickiness]—called “stickiness”—in their mobile apps. In this first installment of our Feature Spotlight series, we’re highlighting one of our favorite ways to give you an edge on the market: mobile gaming.


With a signature game, you can draw more mobile users while adding charm and interest to your digital presence. At Rovertown, we offer a user-friendly, endless driving game for you to customize and integrate with in-store rewards.Our game employs simple, easy-to-learn controls to suit players of most ages. To play, the user taps on the screen to control a car on a zigzagging track while collecting coins and points. The track changes and becomes more difficult over time, with the game ending when the car falls off the edge. Retailers who want to add more tension can also change the track pattern after a set distance.


In development, we work with you to tailor your game to your vision, starting with its name. We design a unique car model to complement your brand, with no idea off the table—we’ve had requests ranging from a simple logo on the roof of a race car, to a heavy-duty semitruck, to a fan boat on a swamp. Every retailer puts its own flair on the design, with Rovertown able to customize details down to track textures, music, and the design of the coins.

User Engagement

We leave it up to you to decide how sticky to make your mobile game. Based on your goals, we can toggle the difficulty level to make gameplay more or less breezy. An optional leaderboard can encourage friendly competition by publishing top rankings.To add more stickiness through perks, you can allow coins collected during gameplay to unlock coupons. You can also regularly add challenges that are tied to a winnable reward like one month of free drink refills. Our push notification and in-app message systems let your customers know when a new challenge is available.Our analytics show that our racing game is a powerful driver of mobile app usage. On average, Rovertown’s retailers have seen their game plays increase by 20% every month since taking their games live, and some log around 21,000-plus unique game plays per month.


With a well-designed mobile game, you can introduce an element of fun to your app while adding real value for customers. Designed with convenience stores in mind, Rovertown’s racing game is a way to stand out from the crowd and motivate engagement that lasts. To learn more about our game and the host of features we offer at Rovertown, schedule a product demo using our form below.